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What are the essential steps of an evidence analysis? 5 points

General Questions

1. What are the essential steps of an evidence analysis? 5 points

2. What are the different grades for evidence-based practice guidelines and what does each indicate? 10 points

3. Identify problems associated with: 15 points
Grade III evidence in the area of quantity
Grade II evidence in the area of clinical impact
Grade IV evidence in the area of quality
Grade III evidence in the area of generalizability
Grade III evidence in the area of consistency

4. Can it be surmised that an intervention is not effective if it receives Grade V? Why or why not? Please explain what Grade V would indicate? 5 points
5. Explain the difference between ratings of strong, fair, weak, consensus, and insufficient evidence. What are the practice implications for each? 10 points
6. Explain the difference between a rating of imperative and conditional. Why is this distinction pertinent when making recommendations to a client? 5 points

EAL in regards to Oncology

1. Based on the information included in the EAL: 10 points
a. Which screening tool(s) would you recommend to help identify malnutrition risk in adult oncology patients in an acute care setting?
b. Which nutrition assessment tool(s) would you recommend for use for adult oncology patients in an ambulatory care setting?
2. The Oncology Work Group reviewed the relationship between nutrition status and morbidity outcomes in adult oncology patients. What were their findings in regards to the relationship between nutrition status and hospital admission or re-admission, length of stay, quality of life, and treatment tolerance? 10 points
3. You work with a team of physicians who have asked your opinion regarding the implementation of the neutropenic (low microbial) diet for oncology patients with neutropenia, and for oncology patients undergoing bone marrow transplant. Would you recommend the neutropenic diet for either (or both) of these patient populations? Why or why not? Use the EAL to support your answer. 10 points
4. According to the EAL, are dietary supplements or medical food supplements that contain fish oil recommended to maintain lean body mass and body weight in adult oncology patients? Explain your answer. 10 points
5. According to the EAL, is the routine use of nutrition support pre-operatively recommended for cancer patients scheduled to undergo surgery for gastric or colorectal cancer? Explain your answer. 10 points