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Think about a product what you want to buy by a Web-Shop.Describe the product and main steps you need to buy in a use case.

Steinway and Sons Introduction
1. Think about a product what you want to buy by a Web-Shop2. Describe the product and main steps you need to buy in a use case.3. Analyze the Web-Shop and note the customer journey in the Business Process Model in BPMN 2.0(Use the core elements and gateways of the catalogue in BPMN 2.0.)5. Built the diagram about the full process in BPMN 2.0 notation, write a final report (documentation) about your workWe have done all of it and now we have to do just the last part about the final report.We decided to buy and write about the model S-155 from Steinway a bit the introduction, why we chose Steinway and Sons (actually cause it is a small and simple website with not so many options) and analyze a bit the webshop. What you will write comes first and after comes .