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Introduce yourself. Give us a quick overview of your background and where you are in your teacher prep program. What brought you to this class, Introduction to Special Populations?

You will develop a person-centered paradigm in planning and delivering services for children with disabilities through a service-learning project in the community. Students will tutor provide services or support for an individual with special needs (e.g. school, day care, religious org.), a child at risk (e.g. homeless shelters, Juvenile Detention Center Charter School ask me if interested), or a community activity involving special needs children (e.g. Special Olympics, Boys and girls Club, YMCA) for a minimum of 10 hrs. Once you have completed your hours, provide proof of your service (signed log by a third party) and write a paper (approximately 2 pages, 12 pt., double-spaced) describing you person-centered paradigm that includes the disability or characteristics of the individual you supported, a summary of the services you provided, and a reflection on your experience and its impact on your paradigm no real names please. You are free to choose the community organization where you wish to do the assignment.

Provide me with a one to two page paper (12 pt.; double spaced) using the questions as a guide but in a narrative format.

Guiding Questions for the Field Experience

1. Introduce yourself. Give us a quick overview of your background and where you are in your teacher prep program. What brought you to this class, Introduction to Special Populations?
>>>Planning to be a teacher, working as a daycare teacher

2. Why did you choose the community organization for your service-learning project (Field Experience)? What were your expectations?

3. Describe the services you provided, too whom, and how often? Describe anything that stood out about the student/s that you supported.
there were 2 students that special need (one is ADHD, one is autistic)

4. Were you able to get a feel for the overall affect your work had with the youth? Did the youth or anyone implicitly or explicitly acknowledge these affects? Please describe the affect.

5. Did anything stand out or surprise you about your experience with these youth?

6. How powerful was this experience and did it affect you personally and your teaching philosophy. Explain?

7. Did the service-learning project provide you with a deeper understanding of the curriculum, the students with disabilities, and how to support them in your classroom? Explain.

8. Would you recommend this type of service-learning experience for other students, teachers and/or professors? Why or why not?