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Explain the homomorphic encryption process to construct a collaborative decision-support environment that preserves privacy on the cloud.

Assignment Grading Rubric = 100 Points
Assignment Requirements
Points possible Points earned by student
Explain the homomorphic encryption process to construct a collaborative decision-support environment that preserves privacy on the cloud. 15
Discuss the privacy requirements necessary for CDSS to function securely on the cloud. What could go wrong? 15
Elaborate on the decision tree generation process. How does the cloud affect this process? 15
How does an algorithm combined with encryption train a decision tree to secure the patient information from each dataset owner? 15
How does the system calculate the information gain of each of the five attributes within the datasets? 15
How will the repetition of decryption and calculation of entropy and information gain through the cloud result in each hospital having the same single decision tree? 15
Do you agree with the conclusions of the study? Why or why not? 10
Total (Sum of all points) 100
Points deducted for spelling, grammar and APA errors.
Adjusted total points