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Develop a Stakeholder Management Plan Following your team project charter, you are invited to a check-in web meeting with MCS CEO Jillian Best to discuss next steps with the TCS project: Calendar Invite: Jillian Best, CEO Im glad your team has agreed on a charter for TCS, Jillian says.

Step 4: Develop a Stakeholder Management Plan Following your team project charter, you are invited to a check-in web meeting with MCS CEO Jillian Best to discuss next steps with the TCS project: Calendar Invite: Jillian Best, CEO Im glad your team has agreed on a charter for TCS, Jillian says. Now I want you to really start nailing down some of the specifics of this project, such as involved parties, responsibilities, risks, and costs. To this point, TCS management has provided you with information and templates for this project, your team has set guidelines to work together effectively, and you have used that information to develop a project charter for Latoya Green to approve. Now, you are ready to begin thinking about stakeholders and stakeholder management. Your team needs to develop a stakeholder management plan. Im attaching a stakeholder management plan template to follow. The plan should identify potential stakeholders by their general role, such as CFO, local government offical, vice president of marketing, etc. There is one exception: You must name Latoya Green as your project sponsor. Good work team, looking forward to seeing the stakeholder management plan.”