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Create a mini-book that describes and explains ALL of the information in ALL of 12 Paul Portfolio Theory Videos FIN 321,422, ALL of 11 Groovy Future Videos, and ALL of 20 Time Value of money videos.

Go to YouTube and search for “options gambler”.

You need to watch 43 videos, total of 650 minutes. You will find them on playlists. The BEST order to watch these videos is: Paul Portfolio Theory Videos, Groovy Future Videos, and Time Value of money.

Create a mini-book that describes and explains ALL of the information in ALL of 12 Paul Portfolio Theory Videos FIN 321,422, ALL of 11 Groovy Future Videos, and ALL of 20 Time Value of money videos.

Remember, lots of graphs and tables and EXPLANATION must be in your lengthy essays. you may want to make a note in your essays which video you are discussing.