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Consumer Health Website Evaluation

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, patient/health care consumer education is of the utmost importance. As patients are bombarded with information, it can difficult to know what to believe. As a professional healthcare provider, it is your responsibility to provide accurate, up-to-date information to patients to impact all aspects of nursing care: prevention, treatment, and the prevention/reduction of complications.
This assignment will focus on consumer healthcare education and the use of healthcare technology. It can be referenced in Huber chapter 23 and ATI chapter 3.
The primary sources for completing this assignment can be located at
1. Evaluating Internet Health Information: A Tutorial From the National Library of Medicine
By the end of this assignment, students will be able to:
Discuss the process of patient education
Assess healthcare information for accuracy and appropriateness for consumer use

Write a paper that critically evaluates web-based health information/resources for the consumer(patient/layperson) regarding COVID-19. The focus should be on a patient-consumer, not a healthcare professional consumer. Please see the rubric for more guidelines. To simplify the assignment, you may complete it in table or paragraph format. See the attached Word document for the assignment criteria and point allocation.